Hypothesis Testing

The ability to ponder a hypothesis, run an experiment and then form a conclusion is one of the most simple, yet most important things that we learn in high school.

The reason is because the more you’re able to do this, the more you’ll be able to solve pretty much all of your problems.

Obviously, the more you know about a subject, the more you read about a subject and the more you actually “work” in a particular subject will help you get to the best solution quicker, but I truly thing that you can iterate your whole life by just using this “simple formula.”

But the biggest issue is that most people don’t do this. Instead, they will either avoid the problem, ignore it all-together or blame it on something or someone else.

“Why am I not consistent at the gym?”

Is it because you don’t know what you’re doing? Is it because the gym is too far? Is it because you need a coach to be there with you? Is it because your workout is too long? Is it because you have too many other things you’re doing?

Obviously you want to know the correct answer, but if you don’t, the next best thing is to ask yourself the question, form an hypothesis and then test it out to see.

I truly think this works when creating a business as well. “Why am I not making enough money?”

Is it because you are spending too much? Is it because your product isn’t good enough? Is it because you don’t sell well? Is your price too low?

Being able to conduct experiments and gathering your answers will eventually point you in the right direction.