It’s all in the Details

I’ve played sports all my life. Baseball, soccer, hockey, badminton, ping-pong, tennis, snowboarding, you name it.

But for some reason, nothing has captured my love as much as playing volleyball. It’s hard to explain if you’ve never played it, but it’s just so different compared to other sports.

In other sports teams such as soccer and hockey, if you make a mistake, you often still have a chance to make it back up somehow. But not in volleyball. If you make a mistake, more often then not, it means that you will lose the point.

Sometimes 1 inch or 1 second makes all the difference in-between you winning the point and losing the point and I think that’s what I love about volleyball. It’s ruthless and it’s a sport that requires a LOT of precision and detail. Everything has to be in sync between your positioning, your contact with the ball, and the chemistry with your team.

It’s also why I believe that volleyball is the hardest sport to learn. I’ve been very lucky that I’m able to pick-up pretty much any sport and almost immediately be above-average, but volleyball is definitely the one I’ve struggled with the most.

But I think that’s why I love the game so much. Because you never really stop learning and improving. Every rep you take is important because you don’t touch the ball often in volleyball. There are max 3 contacts when the ball falls on your side and you have to divide those 3 contacts between 5 other players excluding yourself.

Now where am I going with this? I think that playing volleyball has led me to fall in love with the details. I used to be someone who loved to do 80% of the work and would struggle to finish the last 20% because it would be the hardest.

But since playing volleyball, it’s still hard, but I definitely appreciate it more. Because I know that the more I practice something, the better I will become.